“too cocaine”, these reality TV candidates pee on each other, the crazy revelations of Myriam Palomba!

Thursday March 31, Cyril Hanouna took the last episode of Do not touch My TV of the month on C8. He received the presence of Vincent Shogun and his darling, Cléa with whom he made a peace. The young man was on the set of the talk show to talk about drugs in reality TV. Facing him, Myriam Palomba. The latter had already discussed the subject with Magali Berdah earlier this week and had cited the name of the flagship candidate of the Ch’tis.

If the young man defended himself by saying that he had assumed and served a prison sentence for having been arrested in possession of narcotics in the Netherlands, the deputy director of the magazine Public persisted and signed.

According to his information, “the candidates, on days off, will refuel in the different countries”, she explained. “These are countries where there is easy access to narcotics. It’s not an open secret”she said before giving several examples including that of Loana. “A person like Loana, who revealed to have taken drugs, during the days off”. She added: “There are candidates whose names I won’t mention, who wet their beds because they were so cocaine they didn’t even realize and ended up in the emergency room”she revealed.

For his part, Guillaume Genton confirmed that the “productions are aware”. “It suits them, when they are in a daze, alcoholic and drugged it gives them streaks”said the columnist.

Vincent Shogun took drugs on the set of the Villa des Coeurs Brisés

In the show, the young man revealed that he used cocaine on a reality TV show. “The last show I took part in was Villa des Coeurs Brisés 4 in 2018 (on TFX, editor’s note) and since I wasn’t really well, well, I think I had found some (some drugs, editor’s note)”he said to Gilles Verdez before specifying. “When I say I found, I’m not talking about the production”, or even other participants. His partner added that the one with whom she shares her life was “dependent and therefore he needed to find his dose”.

See also: Video: Reality TV: 10 candidates without artifice!


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