“too bad there aren’t all the old ones”

Audience : We left Lola two decades ago. What happened to your character in the meantime?

Beatriz Luengo: When we find her, Lola has two daughters. She has just left Barcelona to join Madrid and help Silvia save the Carmen Arranz school. She is a choreographer, divorced and struggling in her love life. In Spain, there is a law which says that the parent who changes city at the time of separation automatically loses custody of the children, so obviously, she is not in the best shape.

It seems that Mónica Cruz (Silvia) and you are behind the return of the series…

Yes quite. We’ve been asked so many times if there will ever be a sequel to One, back, very, that at one point, we started the rumor on social networks. The Internet went crazy, everyone was excited. When we showed this to the producers, they had no choice but to give us the green light.

“I found love thanks to Un, dos, tres”

How did you feel about reuniting with Miguel Ángel Muñoz (Roberto) and Mónica Cruz?

I was delighted, they are my best friends. They are a bit like brother and sister to me. With Monica, we call each other all the time, even more so since we became mothers. We exchange photos of our children, we give each other tips. It’s awesome. We all remained very close to each other. We are the Friends Spanish. Besides, when I learned of Matthew Perry’s death, I was very sad. I put myself in other people’s shoes, it must be so awful.

Do you know why Pablo Puyol (Pedro) and Silvia Marty (Ingrid) are not in the casting?

Nobody really explained it to us. Obviously, Pablo wanted to be there, but the production thought that between the intrigues of the old characters and those of the new ones, there was not time to bring everyone back. The episodes are shorter than before too… But I think that’s a shame. The public was really waiting to see us all again.

Do you get along well with the new generation?

Yes, they are very talented, and friendly. They ask a lot of questions about our experience. They want the elders to tell them about their feats of arms, it’s fun. What I think is great is that the producers opened a giant casting call to find them. You don’t need to be known on social networks or have a manager to stand a chance.

You said that being part of UPA Dance, the group created in parallel withOne, back, very, hadn’t really been your choice. For what ?

This became clear to us given the success of the series. The songs were very commercial, flamenco mixed with pop, it didn’t reflect what I liked and what I did. At the time, I was writing and composing, but no one wanted to hear my suggestions. It was terribly frustrating.

The world has changed since you started. #MeToo has been there. Do you wish this had happened earlier in your career?

I have never experienced sexual harassment or assault, but I know that my voice, as a woman, mattered less than that of men. I often talk about it with Miguel Ángel Muñoz and he recognizes it. His ideas, his suggestions were listened to more than ours.

Thanks to One, back, very, you have found love. You have been with Yotuel Romero (Pavel) for twenty years. Was it love at first sight between you?

Yes, immediately! At the time, I was a fan of Lenny Kravitz, I wanted to marry him. And when I saw Yotuel arrive on set, I said to myself: “Oh my God, this guy is even better looking than Lenny Kravitz!” It even seemed too perfect to be real…

What is your secret to making it last?

I think it’s the admiration I have for him. Yotuel arrived from Cuba in very difficult conditions, he grew up in poverty and yet he is still optimistic, courageous and full of joy. That’s what I admire about him. I also like the fact that we can work together, create music, dance… It’s great to share your passion with the person you love.

You have two children together, what kind of mother are you?

The creative kind. I love it when we dress up, put on makeup, make up stories, songs. I try to empower them as much as possible. I tell them : “This is what you need to do” but never things like “NOW” Or “right away”. They need to feel free, that’s important. As a result, they have no problem changing cities or countries. Last year we were in Spain, this year in Miami and next year in Los Angeles. Real nomads…

Complicated to shoot a second season ofOne, back, tres: new generation from Los Angeles, right?

In fact, nothing has yet been signed. There are a lot of proposals on the table, like the idea of ​​doing a show focused on alumni or continuing what we started. I’m not ruling anything out at the moment.

Comments collected by Sarah Lévy-Laithier

December 23, 1982

Beatriz Luengo was born in Madrid to a mother who was a pharmacy assistant and a father who was a carpenter.


After studying dancing and singing, Beatriz went to an open casting call in a Madrid theater and landed the role of Lola Fernández in the series One, back, tres.

November 16, 2008

After five years of love story, she said yes to Yotuel Romero, the actor she met on the set of the show.

November 16, 2023

Beatriz Luengo is back in One, back, tres: new generation on W9. She opposite Mónica Cruz and Miguel Ángel Muñoz.

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