Tony Parker attacked in “TPMP” after his statements on the French and the strikes!

After having spoken of the jealousy of the French vis-à-vis those who earn a lot of money, on the set of what time on France 2, Tony Parker did it again with a new controversy. The former NBA star was present in Nice, Friday June 9, 2023, as a sports legend by the National Sports Museum. “When you tell someone your dream and they don’t make fun of you, it’s because you’re not dreaming big enough. I was dreaming big, I was saying that I could become the first European leader to succeed in the NBA”he blurted out. “And when you are in France, in a country where everyone is negative, where people complain all the time, where everyone wants to go on strike, imagine how my sentence was taken”.

Dezinced in TPMP

Words that deeply annoyed Internet users, especially on Twitter. A few days later, Cyril Hanouna wanted to come back to this sequence. After viewing, the host gave his opinion.

“Yeah, it’s hot… I hadn’t seen the lease, I’m finding out”, he reacted before the columnists around the table gave their opinion. And the least we can say is that they were very hard with the darling of Alizée Lim. “I understand that his sentence is disturbing, he implies that you just need to have the will to succeed. Not everyone is Tony Parker. Not everyone has incredible abilities in one area. Him , he looks a little contemptuous at people. I find it inhuman and disgusting”dropped Guillaume Genton before leaving the ball to Gilles Verdez. “He criticizes France as if France were an army of lazy people going on strike. I’m fed up with lecturers like him. He has a condescension, an arrogance, it’s unbearable”.

The period does not lend itself to it but the ex-star of Spurs of San Antonio and the France team has been dressed for the winter.

See also: Earning money does not give you the right to lecture the French”, “very disappointing this passage”: Tony Parker and David Ginola very criticized after their passage in the program “Quelle époque”


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