Tomorrow belongs to us: An emblematic actress leaves the series, revelations and explanations

You have to get used to it, no role is guaranteed in the daily series. Like More beautiful lifethe TF1 soap opera tomorrow belongs to us occasionally parts ways with some of its most iconic characters. The production recently made the decision to set back from the antenna that of Flora Vallortapresent since the beginning in 2017. Played by Anne Caillon, she has been present in many intrigues but very soon, her story will come to an end. The reason ? His descent into hell that led him to madness.

She picked up. She has accumulated a lot of failures in her love life. She no longer believes in it, she completely loses her footing. She is no longer in reality. To attack and endanger Maxime, whom she considers her son, is that she is really gone. For me, it is no longer her who is there“, confided his interpreter during an interview for Entertainment TV. Thus, Flora Vallorta will be interned in a psychiatric hospital. “We have no choice, we have to stop this lady (She laughs). It’s already very nice not to put her in prison. But it seems that I’m a little sad so…“, announced Anne Caillon.

This unfortunate outcome therefore still makes possible a possible return in the future: “It’s something that would be decided between the production and me in case of mutual desire. (…) We’ll see. Anyway, I’m not dead!“But we still have to find a way to reintroduce it into fiction. Because lately, the actress believes that his character “wasn’t very fed“and that she had”not much to defend.

The after tomorrow belongs to us

Anne Caillon has in any case no bitterness vis-à-vis this decision and is delighted to be able to devote herself to new projects. She already plans to bounce back with a feature film for which she will give the reply to Camille Lou, as well as with the filming of two TV movies. In addition, the pretty 48-year-old brunette is happy to be able to regain her role as a mother, she who has been separated from her daughter for too long by not living with her daily. “It fell at the right time in my life. I couldn’t have asked for better, it was the perfect opportunity. DNA’s filming rhythm is difficult to maintain when you have a family life. I missed my daughter very much. When I started Tomorrow belongs to us, she was 5 years old, she has just turned 10. She is beginning her pre-adolescence, a period which can be complicated. It’s good that I’m more present at his side in Paris!“, she explains again. Thus, she has “no regrets !

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