Tomer Sisley, narrator of a documentary series that wants to “bring people together”

The program is available in six episodes broadcast in the first part of the evening, “a strong choice” for France Télévisions whose objective is to make the story “accessible to as many people as possible”.

France Télévisions – Culture Editorial



Reading time: 2 mins

"Our history of France"a documentary series of 6 episodes, is broadcast from Tuesday October 8 on France 2. (FRANCE TELEVISIONS)

Our history of Francea docu-fiction in six episodes, is broadcast on France 2 from Tuesday October 8 at 9:05 p.m. From Vercingétorix to Henri IV, French history will be narrated by actor Tomer Sisley during three event evenings. The series covers more than sixteen centuries, from ancient Gaul to the Renaissance.

Six stories will evoke social and technological progress, the evolution of values, know-how, relationships between men and women and even the construction of political life. We will thus relive three coronations of kings of France. We will also meet the great people who built history and changed society such as Vercingétorix, Clovis, Charlemagne, Saint Louis, Joan of Arc or even Henry IV, as well as anonymous people whose stories join the great History.

“How did the French live at the time? What heritage from this distant past have we kept? How, in the face of various perils, did France build an identity and a base of values ​​over the centuries? “ So many questions that the series seeks to answer.

Spectators will be led by Tomer Sysley, “to pass time”, who will appear in major episodes of this history of France. “The responsibility for me is enormous”, he said about his role. “A challenge. I am the conduit of History, the one through which we will enter History”

“It’s a gigantic honor (…) especially for someone like me who comes from multiple origins,” said the Franco-Israeli actor, known for his roles in films, to AFP. Long Winch and the series Balthazar on TF1. “In times that are a little politically complicated, I find it healthy to recall our common values, where we come from and why we are where we are”underlines the 50-year-old actor.

The ambition of this documentary series broadcast in prime time is to “gather”. “Bring families together in front of their television, and bring together all French people around a subject which is History, eminently important and even democratic”affirms Nicolas Daniel, director of magazines at France Télévisions.

“It is a strong choice on our part to offer a history series in prime time.” The stated objective is to make History “accessible to as many people as possible”. “It’s extremely important”he continues.

“Our primary role is therefore to make History a factor of cohesion, democracy and debate.

Nicolas Daniel, director of magazines at France Télévisions

Our history of France can also be discovered on and on Lumni, the public broadcasting educational platform. Several extracts from the series and quizzes will be offered around the historical characters represented. The documentary series, which is an adaptation of the Danish format The Story of, mobilized 600 extras, 30 sets and 600 costumes. It was shot in around sixty days.

“Our story of France” told by Tomer Sisley in 6 episodes
Broadcast on France 2 from Tuesday October 8 at 9:05 p.m.

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