Tomer Sisley, his difficult break with the mother of his children: “I fought for them”

The actor Tomer Sisley will be on TF1 this evening for a new episode of Balthazar in which he plays a crazy and deranged medical examiner. Viewers will find him alongside Constance Labbewhich made up for the departure of Hélène de Fougerolles.

The character of the series is a single man and without children, far from the life of his interpreter, today father and companion of a blended family. Very close to his children, the actor had to make sacrifices and put his career in the background to maintain this closeness and a balance in his family life. Also, he had mentioned for the magazine Apollohis difficult separation from the mother of his children.

I was in the middle of a separation from the mother of my children and it was not going very well. And I didn’t want to find myself far from my children, I was very afraid at that time that by going on a shoot far away, it was going to break the bond I had with my children who were young and I didn’t couldn’t afford it too much” he remembered when the actor was approached to play a role in the series Game Of Thrones. A particularly enticing project that the actor absolutely does not regret having refused. Indeed, a career between the two continents would have been impossible to hold for the balance of his family. “Today, we are a real blended family, I am with the woman of my life, they spent a lot of time with dad so they know that I am there, that I love them and that I fought for themApollo” he added to Apollo.

Since 2017, the actor has lived a passionate love affair with Sandra de Matteis, director of an event agency specializing in high-end private parties. The couple are raising Sandra’s son, Dino, from a previous relationship and Tomer’s two children, Liv Shaya and Levin.

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