Tomer Sisley disturbs his wife Sandra: funny footage of the couple on video

In love as on the first day, Tomer Sisley (47) never tires of bothering and teasing his wife Sandra de Matteis. This is also what the director of the press relations consulting agency revealed on Instagram on November 13, 2021. On a very funny video, we discover all the creativity and all the inventiveness that the actor of movie Innocents (2018) is capable of annoying his wife.

When he decided to piss me off“writes the pretty brunette with a lot of humor in the caption. Very demanding, Tomer does not seem to bear that his wife does anything other than take care of him. And to capture his attention he is capable of everything: from grimaces to symphonies of flutes, the actor is capable of the best and the worst to be the center of Sandra’s attention.

The Noiseur !!!“,”I cry! So much you! “,” Tomer stoooppp! You are adorable“,”So funny“,”It’s so cute you are both adorable“,”Not taking yourself seriously is essential when you love yourself! I love you ! Thank you for this daily mood happiness!“,”You are at the top, I love it“reacted many subscribers, seduced by the complicity and the tenderness that emanate from the couple.

A little later that day, Sandra Sisley revealed that she had had an anxiety attack when she discovered that Tomer could have a double life. “I had a mini panic attack at the sight of this photo I thought my husband had a new family. Quickly, I really thought it was Tomer on the couch with other children and another girl“she wrote in the caption of a family photograph of Valentin Léonard and Rachel Legrain-Trapani.

Sandra is reassured, Tomer still seems so crazy about her … and this, in every sense of the word!

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