tomatoes get sunburn too

First question asked to our green-fingered mustache: why did the red tomatoes have white patches?

Jacky Mercier responds quietly:

because they got sunburned.

The skin whitens, thickens, it’s the equivalent of sunburn that makes us blush.

Among the flowerbeds that suffered the most from the hot weather: cabbages.

A disaster, there will be no organic cabbage this winter.

In question: flea beetles or “garden fleas”. This insect that hates rain but loves the sap of cabbage devastated the first and then the second attempt to sow the crucifers that usually feed us in winter.

As for the pumpkins, pumpkins, butternuts and their cousins ​​had a hard time developing and gave almost only male flowers, which do not bear fruit. Worse, the female flowers which give the fruits have often aborted before reaching maturity.

This excessive heat is devastating many of our usual plants and Jacky Mercier does not hide his concern for the months to come: what will he have to sell this winter?

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