Tom Hanks: His son Chet is still acting up and tackles him

At 65, Tom Hanks could sleep soundly. A smooth career, happy marriage and blended family, all the ingredients are there for the hero of The green Line have nothing to envy anyone. However, there is one thing that causes him some problems: his son, Chester, the fruit of his relationship with his wife Rita Wilson. The young man has often been talked about and unlike his father, it is not for a role won in the cinema. Being in the spotlight, very little for Chester. In a recent video posted on Youtube, the 31-year-old American returned to the celebrity of his parents, that of his father in particular. If he had already broached the subject in the past, Chester gave a layer of it, tackling his famous dad in passing: “I haven’t had a strong male role model to tell me: ‘Dude, tell these people to fuck off. You grew up with all the things they dream of, so they put you down to make you feel bad, because they’re jealous’. I needed to hear that“. Except he apparently never heard them.

Chet Hanks suffered from the over-mediatization of his parents. That did not prevent him from being talked about several times and not in the best conditions. When he was not wanted by the police after having ransacked a hotel room in London, he published the video of a violent altercation with his ex-girlfriend, at the end of which he ended up with his head in blood or disappeared several weeks, causing the concern of his relatives. And that’s not the worst.

In the spring of 2021, Chet Hanks spoke in a controversial video. Tom Hanks’ son gloated over “the arrival of white men’s summer“. What indignant the Web, pointing the finger at the “physical, racist and violent threatWhat his words represented. Chet Hanks had even made these few words an obviously controversial clothing brand. If he is to inherit his dad’s Oscar, it will not be that of the model child…

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