Tom Cruise receives a surprise Palme d’Or

The actor arrived by helicopter at the Cannes Film Festival for the screening of “Top Gun: Maverick”, the second installment of the cult film, on Wednesday evening.

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He will not have been disappointed with the trip. American actor Tom Cruise, arrived by helicopter at the Cannes Film Festival for the screening of Top Gun: Maverickthe second installment of the cult film, was awarded an honorary Palme d’or which was not planned, on Wednesday May 18.

“I make all my films for my audience, for my fans. This film has been awaited for decades, I would like the public to appreciate it, that’s what I want to create”had declared a little earlier the actor to France Télévisions, at the foot of the steps of the Palais des Festivals.

>> Cannes Film Festival: Tom Cruise, in a masterclass, defends “films for the big screen”

VIEDO.  3I make all my films for my audience"says Tom Cruise

During a masterclass in Cannes, earlier in the day, the stainless actor of Impossible mission and Top Gun mentioned his passion for cinema. “Since the age of 4 I have wanted to make films. I grew up with the films of Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin. Making films has been a great journey for me”said the star involved in scientology.

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