Tom Cruise celebrates his 60th birthday: his always flawless skin, his miracle remedy to get there!

It’s not just the old scoundrel Eddy Mitchell who is celebrating his birthday this Sunday, July 3, Tom Cruise too! The American actor is celebrating his 60th birthday, in the best possible context since the Hollywood star continues to be a hit at the box office. Top Gun: Maverick, the best release of 2022, attracted millions of spectators, enough to ensure Tom Cruise a very comfortable income. The actor has just pocketed the sum of 13 million dollars, and this is only the beginning! According variety, the ex of Katie Holmes and Nicole Kidman would also have obtained 10 to 20% of the net receipts of the theatrical race. And the movie Top Gun: Maverick is about to hit $1 billion at the global box office. Tom Cruise should therefore receive between 100 and 200 million euros!

In Top Gun: Maverick Tom Cruise proves all his freshness after years of career. He still plays Navy test pilot Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, now a captain, who trains to bomb a rogue country’s uranium enrichment plant. But how does Tom Cruise manage to still be on top at 60 and still have such perfect skin?

Tom Cruise’s secret to appearing so fresh and dapper was recently revealed by our colleagues at CNews. For at least ten years, the actor has been using a very special treatment, the Geisha Facial. It is a massage with soothing effects and unsuspected anti-aging properties from Japan. The technique would have been known there for centuries by the Geisha and were initially used to repair their faces damaged by the white lead with which they were covered. New York salon Shizuka decided to modernize the trend despite its unattractive recipe.

To have dream skin, you will have to accept to cover oneself with nightingale droppings pre-cleaned with UV rays. An amazing ingredient that is mixed with rice bran, guanine and water. The whole thing aims to fight against cellular aging.

But this Tom Cruise beauty secret comes at a cost! Indeed, a session of one hour and a half in an institute is estimated 180 dollars, or about a little more than 160 euros. Quite accessible for Tom Cruise whose wallet is still a little fuller thanks to the planetary cardboard of Top Gun: Maverick.

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