Today’s weather: rainy weather in southern and central Quebec on Thursday

Umbrellas will be in order Thursday in southern and central Quebec where 15 to 25 millimeters of rain are expected.

The Environment Canada alert concerns all sectors in the south and center of the province, from the Outaouais to Beauce and Estrie.

In Montreal and Montérégie, the rain should stop later in the day to leave 5 to 10 millimeters of precipitation with nevertheless the risk of thunderstorms in places.

In the center of the province, the showers should continue until next night, with an additional 15 millimeters in Quebec and Beauce, while the mercury will drop.

“The rain will end during the night of Thursday to Friday,” said the federal agency, which forecasts heavier precipitation by Friday morning in some areas.

In Estrie, intermittent rain is also expected Thursday with probably 5 millimeters of precipitation and stable temperatures of 13 degrees.

In the Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie, generally sunny weather is expected with cloudiness at times, while it will be a little chilly in the morning, according to the federal agency.

source site-64