“Today we are opening vaccination for children” aged 5 to 11, confirms Olivier Véran

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8:55 a.m. : The Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne, called on companies to “accelerate” the use of teleworking in the face of Covid-19, asking them to prepare “right now” to the “to strenghten” at the start of the school year with a target of 3 to 4 days a week.

08:48 : Will the booster dose be extended for adolescents? “Not at the moment”replied Olivier Véran, without giving further details.

08:47 : “The Rendez Vous [de vaccination pour les enfants de 5 à 11 ans] can start without delay “, clarified Olivier Véran.

08:47 : “Today we are opening vaccination for children”, confirms Olivier Véran. Appointments for 5-11 year olds will be possible “in the coming hours”, according to the Minister of Health.

08:43 : Everything is on the table every week “, says Olivier Véran, without giving further details on possible new health measures.

08:41 : The new Year “is an evening sacrificed for the cause”, recognizes Olivier Véran, after the announcement of the cancellation of the large gatherings planned that night.

08:36 : “So far, in England, the first data shows that there is not a significant progression of severe cases with the Omicron variant.”

08:38 : The Omicron variant should be “majority” by the beginning of January, according to Olivier Véran. More than 100,000 contaminations per day could also be recorded by the end of the month in France, according to the Minister of Health.

08:34 : “The two profiles of intensive care patients are unvaccinated or very fragile people.”

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, is the guest of BFMTV this morning.

08:05 : The police unions are reluctant to strengthen the control of health passes in bars and restaurants. “If we take police and security forces to do health pass control, they are not in other sovereign missions of the state “, deplores Stanislas Gaudon, delegate to the Alliance union.

07:44 : The life expectancy of Americans fell by more than a year and a half in 2020 compared to the previous year. An unprecedented fall for 75 years, largely linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. She went from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77 years in 2020, according to the final figures of the Centers for the prevention and fight against diseases (CDC).

07:29 : Spain yesterday recorded a national record of 49,823 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours and the variant Omicron, more contagious, now constitutes almost half of new cases, according to the Ministry of Health. The previous record was nearly 40,000 cases in 24 hours in mid-January, in one of the countries most affected by the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

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