“Today was a fight against my legs”, says Arthur Bauchet, gold medalist in the super-combined



France 3

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“I really went to get it,” explained the Frenchman, who again outclassed the competition on Monday, to afford his second title.

After a remarkable performance in the super-combined in the standing category, Arthur Bauchet was logically crowned Paralympic champion on Monday, March 7, ahead of Finland’s Santeri Kiiveri and New Zealander Adam Hall. At 21, the Frenchman has already won two gold medals at the 2022 Beijing Games.

“Sport is first of all a fight against yourself. Today was a fight against my legs. I really went for it”testified the double Paralympic champion, interviewed by France Télévisions, a few minutes after crossing the finish line.

“I think it’s the worst run I’ve done. I don’t realize, in the finish area, I was really euphoric. But hey, my legs caught up with me very quickly after the exit”added the young man, reached a spinal cord disorder that causes their lower limbs to shake.

Thrilled, Arthur Bauchet nevertheless had a thought for his teammates. Oscar Burnham finished 10th, Manoel Bourdenx 12th, while Jordan Broisin retired. They “could also do great results, but unfortunately that’s sport”regretted the Paralympic champion.

The Habs will “rest to death” in the next few hours. Then will come the time to prepare for the giant and the slalom, during which Arthur Bauchet hopes to continue his golden harvest.

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