“Today it is the local authorities that meet the needs”, denounces Anne Klopp, first deputy mayor of Fontenay-sous-Bois

A few hours before the distribution of school supplies to parents of students for the start of the 2022 school year, the citizenship center in Fontenay-sous-bois (Val-de-Marne) is teeming with agents municipalSaturday, August 27.

In the middle of the piles of boxes, Claire Descamps Haoui, who works at the municipal action center social explains that “100 painting aprons will be distributed in kindergarten”. She adds that “simple kits, cis for CE1″. The colorful kits and aprons are unique since they are made from tarpaulins recycled by people in reintegration.

Anne Klopp, the first deputy mayor of Fontenay-sous-Bois, indicates that the material is provided to all students: “For us, it is not a question of restricting ourselves to the priority districts of the city but to the whole population. The question of diversity and solidarity on a daily basis is important for the whole population” .

The selection of supplies is made in consultation with the teaching teams,
but the chosen one recognizes that “It can not correspond to the specific needs of each teacher”. Despite all, each year and this, for 30 years in Fontenay-sous-Bois, about 1,500 students receive school supplies.

This political choice has a cost since prices vary between “15 euros and 25 euros per child”which represents “a budget of 35 to 40,000 euros” for the city, continues Anne Klopp. the budget is still very bearable for this communist bastion of 53,000 inhabitants.

The first deputy is pleased that the State wants be inspired of this initiative: “I think it’s going in the right direction. Today it’s the local authorities that meet the needs by distributing supplies to the needs of families. It’s not just a moment of distribution, it’s above all a moment of conviviality, of exchanges. We are not here only to compensate for the shortcomings of the State”.

Olivier Klein, the Minister Delegate for the City and Housing, confirmed on franceinfo, Friday August 26, that the government was in full reflection to set up a free distribution of school supplies to students in priority neighborhoods from the start of the 2023 school year.

Free distribution of school supplies in Fontenay-sous-Bois (Val-de-Marne)

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