To think that the pandemic is over “would be a big mistake”, warns the UN

the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres also denounced that the distribution of vaccines on the planet remains “scandalously inequitable”.

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The UN urged to remain on guard. “Thanks to unprecedented public health measures and the extraordinarily rapid development and deployment of vaccines, many parts of the world are managing to bring the pandemic under control. But it would be a grave mistake to think that it is over”warned Wednesday, March 9, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres in a press release.

“The most tragic toll of the pandemic has taken the health and lives of millions of people, with more than 446 million cases worldwide, more than six million confirmed deaths, and countless others struggling with a deterioration of mental health”he assured.

Antonio Guterres also denounced distribution of vaccines “remains shockingly uneven”. “Our world cannot afford a two-tier recovery from Covid-19”did he declare. “Manufacturers produce 1.5 billion doses a month, but nearly three billion people are still waiting for their first vaccine”protested the UN Secretary General.

According to him, it is a “failure” due to “policy and budget decisions that prioritize the health of people in rich countries over the health of people in poor countries”. Faced with this situation, he fears “more variants, more confinements and more grief and sacrifice in each country”. He finally called for an end “once and for all” with this “sad chapter in the history of mankind”.

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