“To the trees citizens!”, the special evening of France Télévisions on the safeguarding of forests

After a summer of 2022 weighed down by droughts and exceptional heat, repeated fires and destructive storms, the devastating effects of climate change have taken on a more concrete dimension, particularly in France. It is difficult to ignore how important the consequences can be and how urgently needed to find lasting solutions for the planet, whether at the level of institutions, companies or citizens. Mobilize, explain, analyze and above all act for the protection of the environment: these are the issues taken up by France Télévisions on the occasion of a program special, entitled “To the citizen trees!”, Tuesday at 9:10 p.m. on France 2.

“One of the missions of the public service is to be at the heart of the social issues that animate the debates. And the environmental cause is one of them. It is a major concern of the French and we had to be present, confides Arnaud Ngatcha, the director of special operations at the Directorate General of Antennas and Programs of France Televisions. We had already made a big show on the Earth, three years ago, and since then, we wanted to create a big unifying television event around this essential cause which is the preservation of the planet.

During this evening dedicated to the forest, journalists Léa Salamé and Hugo Clément, accompanied by the director and co-founder of the environmental movement Colibris, Cyril Dion, as well as many specialists, will review the main causes of this major crisis. They will also highlight the many concrete solutions to deal with it, relying in particular on these great allies that are trees, inasmuch as oxygen producers, air purifiers and therefore sources of life. “The tree seemed to me to be the unifying element emotional and the perfect vector”, assures Arnaud Ngatcha, at the initiative of the project.

UA call for donations to support forest regeneration projects will be presented to viewers during this evening sponsored by Marion Cotillard and Yannick Noah. Donations that will be collected by the association France Nature Environnement, which has set up a process for selecting and monitoring funded projects. “With the Covid-19, the French have come closer to their natural space, continues Arnaud Ngatcha. We have seen that many city dwellers leave the city for the countryside in search of a piece of garden. We could see that there was a desire to reconnect with nature. This reinforced the idea that we had to mobilize the French and we found that they often responded when they were asked for financial support for just causes.”

Among the 21 recommendations for the forest proposed by nature protection associations, in the reportForests in crisis” from June 2020, qFour main lines of action have been selected for the show: hascsupport forest management by relying on natural dynamics, perpetuate the free evolution of forest stands, restore and preserve ecosystems associated with forest environments; and sensitize a wide public to the protection of forest ecosystems.

The show “Citizens trees !” , in partnership with France Inter, is broadcast on France 2 on Tuesday November 8 at 9:10 p.m.

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