To the great dismay of the extremists

The recent aggression perpetrated by Hamas seems unacceptable to me, especially as it hits innocent people, and I congratulate all humanitarian and state organizations working to find an acceptable solution to the current conflict. But how can we eliminate or reduce Hamas’ influence?

The answer depends largely on Israel, because it is its attitude which, for years, has fueled this hatred of Palestinians against Jews.

So what should Israel do? Basically, we can say: put an end to the occupation of territories, as the UN has requested several times, as well as to the control and repression that it engenders.

But four points can be made:

1. Stop the expansion of “settlements” and the construction of housing for Jews in the West Bank. Or even delete them. (There are many Palestinians living in Israel, and they have no such authority.)

2. Renounce the unilateral expansion of the territory made in 1949, then in 1967, and the construction of the wall started in 2002.

3. Soften the control exercised over the West Bank, and particularly the blockade of Gaza (by land and sea), which makes it “an open-air prison”.

4. In the longer term, Israel should recognize the State of Palestine as Palestine did for Israel. Likewise, the UN should recognize Palestine as a full-fledged state at the UN as it did Israel, not as a non-voting state, so that there are two identical states in accordance with the UN resolution adopted in 1947 following the Holocaust. The extremists on both sides will not be happy, but peace can be established.

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