to talk about the environment in the countryside, a march for the climate called “Look up!”

One month before the first round, 450 environmental defense associations are organizing a mobilization day throughout France tomorrow. They believe that climate issues are the big forgotten of the campaign. The steps are called “Look up”, in reference to the Netflix film “Don’t look up”.

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In a month the first round of the presidential election takes place. And we’re not talking about the climate at all“, laments Elodie, spokesperson for Alternatiba. “Climate change is no longer tomorrow, it’s today.“In the premises of the collective, everything is ready for the March 12 march, organized to impose the environmental question. According to the organizers, ecological issues represent only 3% of the subjects covered by the media within the framework of The electoral campaign.

This walk was called “Look Up”, an assumed reference to the film Don’t Look Up (Cosmic Denial), directed by Adam McKay. In this feature film, a team of scientists desperately tries to warn of the arrival of a comet on Earth and who have a hard time making themselves heard. “We chose this name because we thought that in order to reach different audiences, we had to work on elements of popular culture.” explains Benjamin Ball, who coordinates the various marches throughout France. “This is the case with this film, since there are 300 million hours of views of this video on Netflix.“The film was nominated for the 2022 Oscars, in the Best Picture category.

Other techniques are used by environmental activists to mobilize and get people to identify with their struggle. “We always do our actions openly. We want to show that we take responsibility for what we do” explains Maider. Last October, she interrupted a symposium on green finance.

She put herself in the shoes of those who were going to see the images of her illegal action: We want that the people watching think it could be them. It is important to convey these messages and embody them. It doesn’t have to be something obscure, inaccessible.

“Look up”: environmental activists try to make themselves heard – Report by Margaux Queffelec

to listen

Report to be found in length in “Le Quart d’Heure”, franceinfo news podcast, from 6 p.m. on all platforms.

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