“To suggest that we will make the car disappear would be to lie to people,” defends the Minister of Ecological Transition


Video duration:
2 min


Christophe Béchu was the guest of the show “planète info”, on franceinfo, Tuesday evening. He spoke on the highly contested A69 motorway project.

It is described by ecologists and scientists as a dead end, the symbol of a development that is unsuitable for realities. The highly contested A69 motorway project linking Toulouse to Castres was at the heart of the “planète info” show on Franceinfo on Tuesday October 10. Invited to speak on the subject, the Minister of Ecological Transition once again defended this project. “We are in a country of 68 million inhabitants where we need to develop rail, but at the same time to think that we will make cars disappear from the territory would be lying to people,” declared Christophe Béchu. And to add: “We need to have cars to ensure mobility and people’s freedom.”

Three environmental activists, including Thomas Brail, broke off their hunger strike, started about a month ago, as well as their thirst strike, started Monday, to oppose this highway project. This decision follows the announcement of a meeting which will bring together on Friday the prefect of Occitanie, the prefect of Tarn, elected officials from the territory and representatives of the associations concerned by the project.

In awaiting this meeting, the prefecture of Occitanie assured that “major land clearing operations will not take place.” “This break should allow for calm before Friday’s meeting”underlined the Ministry of Transport.

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