“To see her dying on a sidewalk …”: Bruce Toussaint breaks the silence on the sudden death of his mother

Bruce Toussaint gave an interview to TV Mag. And during the interview, the journalist from BFMTV returned to the death of his mother, which he had announced on October 19, on Twitter.

THANKS to the Paris firefighters and the Paris samu and the 15th district police who intervened very quickly yesterday to try to resuscitate my mother, a victim of a heart attack in the middle of the street. In vain … Your kindness and professionalism warmed my heart in this ordealwrote Bruce Toussaint. TV Mag.

The mourning will be long and he knows it, having already lost his dad a few years ago. He is also aware that we never fully recover from it. “I was very close to my parents, especially my mother, to whom I spoke the very morning of his disappearance. The loss of a parent is quite a taboo subject and we are generally ill-prepared for it.“, first entrusted Bruce Toussaint. He then returned to the circumstances of the tragedy which cost the life of his late mother:”She died of a heart attack at age 72. Losing your mother is one thing, see her dying on a sidewalk is another. It’s so horrible… She was immediately rescued by someone in the street, who gave her a heart massage. When I got there, the fire department was still trying to save her.

In shock when he arrived on the scene, Bruce Toussaint was able to count on the professionalism and delicacy of the helpers who were trying to revive her. After having it “let see“at first, they asked him”very gently ” to get out of the way. They knew how to use the right words and are “stayed a long time at [leurs] sides“.

After his announcement, Bruce Toussaint was also able to count on many people who follow him on social networks. Many have sent him messages of support, letting him know that they had been through the same thing. “I measured how badly they had been affected. Basically, my story is also theirs“, he concluded.

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