To say stop to sexual violence in sport

Sébastien Boueilh is a former rugby player. The association Colossus with feet of clay was born out of its history. That of a sexually abused child, between 12 and 16 years old, who managed to come out of silence 18 years later to file a complaint against his attacker. It was after the trial, in May 2013, that Sébastien decided to embark on prevention against the risk of child crime in rugby. It was a question of sensitizing the clubs and the licensees. Today, Colossus with Feet of Clay is recognized as the reference association in this field and since September 2021, Marion Meynet has been the regional referent for Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Prevention, information and listening actions are carried out for the benefit of educators, PE teachers, volunteers and also children.

What to do if your child is a victim?

  • 119: “HELLO CHILDREN IN DANGER”national number dedicated to the prevention and protection of children at risk or at risk of being.
  • 3018: “NET LISTENING” national number for young victims of digital violence.
  • 3020 : “NO TO HARASSMENT” national number dedicated to school harassment.
  • 3919: “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN”, national number for female victims of violence.
  • 116,006: helpline number victims of violence.

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