to return to the office, the French demand a certain comfort at work

If teleworking is practiced at least once a month by 42% of employees, according to a survey, however, employees want to come back to the office… provided that it makes them want to.

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Spacious offices with plants.  (FRED MARIE/ART IN ALL OF US/CORBIS NEWS via GETTYIMAGES)

Teleworking is not in question. According to the long-awaited Actineo barometer of the quality of life at work, which is published every two years, it is practiced by four out of ten French people. 36% of them telework every week, and 88% of them like it. They particularly appreciate feeling more themselves, 88% say they like the fact of not wearing a mask. However, these workers want to come back to the office, says Odile Duchenne, who led this study. On one condition, she explains:That the office is even better than at home“.

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The workers questioned place in their “Top 5” priorities that the company offers convivial spaces such as terraces, places to work outside, open kitchens, welcoming restaurants. They want, decrypts Odile Duchenne, that the company is a place of exchange, debate and appeasement. The company as a place of relaxation and pleasure. What they are a little disappointed with their employer: only 45% believe that their company does enough for their well-being. While 84% of them believe that the company must prioritize well-being.

Serenity at work

Locals play a role in choosing a company because for 39% of them, space plays a role in decision-making when choosing a job. For equal work, I will choose the company that offers the best premises. A factor that also plays a very important role in retaining employees. Space has become, explains Odile Duchenne, a determining element of the employer brand.

Another lesson from this barometer is a sharp drop in job satisfaction, and even a spectacular drop of ten points compared to 2019, to 77% satisfaction. The least satisfied are those over 55, Ile-de-France residents, CSPs and those who work in the largest companies. The proportion of stressed employees is 50%, again it gains four points compared to 2019.

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