to respect its commitments, France must “put in place a real ecological planning”, according to a parliamentary fact-finding mission

If France wants to respect the Paris agreement, “the annual rate of reduction must double to reach -4.7% per year on average”, can we read in the conclusions of two deputies LR and Renaissance, that France Inter s is provided exclusively.

After a series of hearings in March, the flash fact-finding mission “on the follow-up of the commitments made by France in the climate COPs” renders its conclusions on Wednesday April 12, at the end of the morning. In this ten-page document, which France Inter has obtained exclusively, the mission first emphasizes that “France is lagging behind in its emissions reduction trajectory” of greenhouse gases. Indeed, to respect the Paris agreement, “the annual rate of reduction must double to reach -4.7% per year on average between 2022 and 2030”. As a result, it pleads, among other things, for the establishment “real ecological planning”.

Concretely, the two deputies who carried out this mission, Antoine Vermorel-Marques (Les Républicains) and Laurence Heydel Grillere (Renaissance), recommend, for example,‘”adopt an ecological planning law”with funding programmed over several years, like military programming laws. “This would make it possible to bring clarity to public action and secure investments”they write.

For a debate in Parliament every year

Another track, the creation of‘”a dedicated monitoring body within the National Assembly”. His role “would consist of regularly monitoring the implementation of the commitments made by France in the context of international climate negotiations”. The two parliamentarians also plead for “a presentation by the High Council for the Climate of its annual report to Parliament”. She “could be organized ahead of the examination of the draft state budget”.

“Our emissions have gone down, but it’s not due to our efforts, it’s due to a milder winter.”

Antoine Vermorel-Marques

at France Inter

“We must be able, each year, to have a debate in the National Assembly and in the Senate on the report of the High Council for the Climate, in order to make transparency on what has been done and what has not been done. “explains Antoine Vermorel-Marques at the microphone of France Inter.

“We risk a new conviction” for climate inaction

“In 2022, national greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.5% compared to 2021”, indeed points to this mission. A decline “however linked to cyclical factors, in particular a very mild winter and high energy prices”. However, to comply with the Paris agreement, “we need to double our decarbonization effort by 2030”recalls the deputy of the Loire. “We risk a new conviction” for climate inaction, alert Antoine Vermorel-Marques.

>> The State condemned for climate inaction: it is “not for my apple”, but for the period 2015-2018, clears Emmanuel Macron

This mission also recommends a “environmental dialogue, like the existing social dialogue”. “That we can consult NGOs, companies on all bills that have an impact on the environment, so that all of this can be set in motion even before the text is adopted”deciphers the chosen one who has recently hosted “ecology breakfasts”, a subject so far little invested by the right. The next guest, on May 26, will be climate and energy specialist Jean-Marc Jancovici, a fervent defender of nuclear power.

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