“It’s a 10.50 m launch, which weighs eight tonnes, with engines throttled to 320 horsepower, which gives us a speed of 27 knots“, details Hervé Jean, the president of the SNSM station of Dinard, in front of this ship of which he is so proud and that passers-by will be able to discover, this Saturday afternoon, quay of the pearl, at the marina. On the occasion of national days, all weekend long, the National Sea Rescue Society offers activities and meetings. Thus, in Dinard, the SNSM intends to present the activity of rescuers at sea, but also demonstrations of rescue or the use of hand flares. The opportunity for France Bleu Armorique to board the speedboat.
The SNSM of Dinard assisted, in 2021, 56 boats, rescued 82 people and saved 16 from real danger, “which means that if we hadn’t been there, they were at serious risk“, continues Hervé Jean. Interventions that could not have been made possible without the involvement offorty volunteers which divide the schedules be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
“I am a native of Dinard, in love with my region”, explains Philippe, who joined the resort a little less than a year ago. “I have been sailing in the sector for about twenty years, I have a boat. Regarding the SNSM, I have two words that come to mind: helping, of course, and learning, because we learn I like the state of mind there, the family spirit, the solidarity, full of good and beautiful values“, continues this former boss of a transport company. “There are all social strata, working people, retirees from all walks of life. It’s exciting, you meet people you would never have met before. We all have the same goal, we all love the sea.”
– Pierre Antoine Lefort
Philippe confides his admiration for the SNSM: “Today, having the chance to be part of it is a source of pride.” Pride also shared by Guy, another team member, who has been wearing the orange polo shirt for seven years in Dinard. “Knowing that you can be of service to people is a great joy. Every time we do even a repair, by going to look for a boat that has gone over rocks, it is a great satisfaction.
This retiree, when asked about his outstanding memories, prefers to remember the good ones, rather than the sad ones. “We brought back a boat rented by a Parisian family. The guys hit a rock. We went to get them, it went very well. Except that when we arrived at the port, the mother-in-law passed a soap to his son-in-law, those are real memories! We like to remember those, the dramatic ones, we keep them for ourselves.”
– Pierre Antoine Lefort
Because these interventions can be hard, confirms Hervé Jean, the president of the Dinard station. “At the beginning, we may not realize it, we are in the intervention. It is once we arrive on land that our brain starts to analyze. We are human beings, it marks on the spot , but talking about it together is comforting, we start again.“More beautiful, day and night, if the need arises.