To recover from the caloric Christmas meal, the people of Nice will run on the Promenade des Anglais

Franck had a stomach ache this morning when he woke up. So, for him, only one watchword: eliminate! “I have to get rid of the overflow from the day before. The snails stay in the belly”, tells this father.

For Laurent, the program was also very busy: “foie gras, turkey, cheese and log”. Fortunately, it is not complicated for this policeman to take out the sports sneakers to facilitate digestion. : “I’ve been running for 30 years, 4 times a week”, he confides.

Finally David, he favors walking to no longer be bloated. He traveled the entire Prom ‘, from the airport to Rauba Capeu. “It’s beautiful, it’s not cold and it’s nice to be able to enjoy the Empty Promenade”, he explains.

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