Who is Jean Meurisse?
He is an Arts & Métiers engineer who, during his life, became an amateur beekeeper.
It all started during his adolescence when he met a traditional beekeeper from his village, Robert, who gave him a gift of a beekeeping magazine. This is where his passion for bees was born.
He did training courses in beekeeping, went to study engineering in Paris, and one day moved to the countryside…
Initiation, practice and a lot of research in the documentation led him to write this book illustrated by his daughter, the famous designer Catherine Meurisse.
The book
Is very complete and very well documented, but it remains a very pleasant book to read, well structured in fairly short chapters not to be boring, each dedicated to an aspect of the question with a lot of precision.
This is not a course in commercial beekeeping, its author does not raise bees for profit, but a very comprehensive presentation of life in a hive, from the birth of a larva (brood) to the end of its life as a forager, without forgetting the role of the drones.
– Paul Starosta
We also discover what is the collective intelligence of this small insect which weighs barely a tenth of a gram but which is capable, on each trip, of bringing back a quantity of food equivalent to its weight.
Let’s not forget that the role of bees is preponderant for the plant world and in our food since, through their fertilizing role, these workers largely contribute to the reproduction of plants and the production of fruits.
A book published by Ouest-France, written by Jean Meurisse, illustrated by his daughter Catherine.
Ask all your questions during the gardening program on Sunday morning on France bleu Isère from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. by calling 04 76 46 45 45.