“To protect ourselves we have to do it”, react parents

The High Authority for Health finally ruled on Monday, December 20 and now proposes to open vaccination to children from 5 to 11 years old, prioritizing those attending college, mostly those who are currently in 6th grade. Eloise is therefore in the priority age group. The young Lyonnaise, immune after being infected with Covid-19, doubts the effectiveness of the vaccines.

A few months ago, they told the news that the Covid was starting to drop, that the population was starting to resume normal activity. And then it suddenly came back up, they said it was starting again, remembers the schoolgirl, I feel the vaccines will continue to be ineffective. In my opinion there are still a few months to go by before there is a really effective vaccine.. “

Beside her, her mother has no doubts, the vaccine will quickly become essential. “For now, we are immune so we are in no rush. But, yes, we intend to make the vaccine. We’re going to have to because she’ll have school trips. It is the government that forces us to do so otherwise we no longer live.

Jean-Marie will also follow, mainly so that his children are not penalized in accessing their activities. “We will do what we are told to do, but anyway we can see that everyone is messing around.

“We no longer have any visibility into anything that’s going on, and no understanding of the chain of events. We do things because we have to do them.”

Jean-Marie, parent of a student

to franceinfo

Parents are not rushing in any case to find an appointment, while the first slots for 5-11 year olds should open on Wednesday in major centers. “We will see, it will not be immediately, but an idea to study“, explains for example Sophia, mother of Marseille.”I’m going to watch the effects, I’m going to talk about it with a lot of moms and that’s it“, she continues, next to her son Djamel, 11 years old, who has”not too keen“to get vaccinated.”JI’m a little afraid of the side effects, what will happen afterwards, if there is a danger or an illness“, justifies the schoolboy.

Even though she says she is afraid, Sophia believes that “to protect ourselves we have to do it, because here we see that the new variant affects children a lot. And since my husband is ill, we are afraid that the children will infect us and that it will get worse. So we have no choice but to vaccinate them“. If the High Authority of Health recommends vaccination for the youngest which is not compulsory, the parents questioned, them, doubt that this precaution will hold long.

Vaccination of children: report by Mathilde Imberty

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