To make recognize in a couple a non-sharing of the domestic tasks as one recognizes the violences within the couples? Sandrine Rousseau’s proposal that is making the buzz!

It is in an interview given to miss that the former spokesperson for the ecologist Yannick Jadot has made a proposal that is causing a stir.

Sandrine Rousseau finds herself in TT this Thursday, March 24 since she granted this interview in which she evokes the creation of a “crime of non-sharing of household chores”.

The latter believes that “the private is political and as long as we don’t give women the means to truly obtain equality in terms of sharing, we will not succeed”.

In order to support her point, Sandrine Rousseau affirms that all this could be put in placehow we recognize sexual violence within couples”. It starts from the observation that there is a “unthought of gender equality policies”because “Iomen do eight hours more a week of domestic work” only men.

Who is she ?

In 2017, Sandrine Rousseau left EELV following the Denis Baupin affair, of which she was one of the accusers. The same year, she founded the Parler association (which became En Parler in 2021), aimed at establishing mutual aid between victims of sexual violence. As the #MeToo movement begins, she is a figure in the fight against violence against women and for gender equality in France.

She will return to EELV in 2020 and then run for the ecology primary for the 2022 presidential election. She was beaten in the second round by Yannick Jadot, obtaining 48.97% of the votes cast, then joined her team of campaign… before being finally excluded following major political disagreements.

See also: The most moving moments on French television


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