”To life, to death. On the road with Thelma and Louise”, by Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente

A novel with a feminist and rather rock and roll idea: resuming the run of the heroines of the film ”Thelma and Louise” by Ridley Scott.

Article written by

franceinfo – Cécile Ribault Caillol

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

"To life, to death.  On the road with Thelma and Louise"C. Faye & M. Sanclemente (PAULSEN)

The Festival of Astonishing Travelers returns this year from May 18 to 20 in Saint-Malo. The opportunity to highlight a book written by two great journalists (friends and travelers), Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente: HAS life to death. On the road with Thelma and Louisepublished by Paulsen.

The entire interview with Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente (8mn30)

Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente have already written together The year of two ladieswhich recounts a trip undertaken in Mauritania in the footsteps of two explorers from the 1930s. They therefore renew this four-handed adventure with a travel journal that they wrote this time on the road to the southwest of the United States. United and in the footsteps, echoing their friendship, of the two heroines of Ridley Scott’s film Thelma and Louisereleased in 1991, starring Susan Sarandon as Louise and Gena Davies as Thelma.

“Thelma and Louise, they are two friends who have a fairly ordinary life. They are a bit caught up in not very happy love stories and they decide to leave their boyfriend and their husband to go fishing for a weekend in the mountains Except that the little escapade does not go exactly as planned During a stop for a drink, Thelma is sexually assaulted and Louise shoots the attacker and kills him. to reach Mexico…”

Marine Sanclemente

at franceinfo

Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente therefore become, in a way and 30 years later, “new Thelma and Louise”, the drama less happily but with this desire to travel. Theirs lasted two months and they covered 10,000 km.

“We said to ourselves that it would be an absolutely extraordinary adventure to rethink the film and ask questions about all the themes it raised: guns, women’s rights, abortion, religions, racism, etc..”

Catherine Faye

at franceinfo

To the life to death. On the road with Thelma and Louise is a magnificent invitation to travel, that of friendship, meetings, and feminism.

Catherine Faye and Marine Sanclemente (David Butow)

Catherine Faye and Marie Sanclemente will set down their bags in Saint Malo next week for the Festival of Amazing Travelers.

Festival of Astonishing Travelers (Myles Hyman,

The entire interview (8 minutes) with this duo of authors, Catherine Faye and Marie Sanclemente, can be listened to at the top of this page Books and youth.

Happy reading and have a good week everyone!

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