To help a sick child, two Côte-d’Oriens collect more than 3,000 euros after swimming 46 km

More than 3,000 euros collected with the strength of arms and legs. Stéphane Fichot and Pierre-Yves Clet, two Côte-d’Oriens aged 51 and 47, achieved a crazy challenge on September 24th. They connected Seurre and Chalon-sur-Saône by swimming, in the Saône. 46 kilometers for a good cause.

A feat to help Hugo

This sporting challenge, the two men had been preparing for several months. In life, one works in real estate, the other is a policeman. They are regulars at the Arc-sur-Tille nautical base where they train every Saturday. With one goal in mind, to raise as much money as possible to enable Hugo, a 2.5-year-old baby, to undergo treatment in Spain. The child is suffering from an orphan disease. An action carried out by Stéphane’s association, “Happy Dream Child

7h30 crossing

Stéphane and Pierre-Yves had initially counted on a 5 to 6 hour crossing. But after reconnaissance of the place, they quickly realized that the very weak currents would not push them much. They finally put 7h30 to do the 46 kilometers.

The two athletes have already planned to try this aquatic feat again next year. In the meantime, they handed over the check this Saturday morning to the family of little Hugo, very moved and very grateful. Next meeting for the “Happy Dream Child” association at the beginning of December with a large collection of Christmas gifts for underprivileged children and sick children.

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