“to have a vision project against project”, estimates Loïc Folleat, referent LREM in the Somme

It is the same poster the second round of 2017: Emmanuel Macron finds Marine Le Pen, both qualified for the final of the 2022 presidential election. The two candidates will also meet face to face, this Wednesday evening, during the debate between two rounds moderated by Léa Salamé and Gilles Boulleau. Emmanuel Macron will he tackle his opponent, to dredge left-wing voters or brag his balance sheet? Loïc Folleat, the field referent of the Republic on the march in the Somme, gave us his tracks this Wednesday morning on France Bleu Picardie.

Trips were planned until Tuesday evening. This Wednesday, day off preparation to arrive fresh and available for the debate”, explains Loïc Folleat. Is the exercise of the debate a weakness for Emmanuel Macron, who refused to play the game before the 1st round? “I don’t think so because for five years there has been a form of permanent debate. There has been the great national debate during the yellow vests crisis. A real preparation with exchanges with ideas that are not his”he continues.

“The objective of this debate will not necessarily be to attack but rather to have a vision project against project, two visions of France which oppose each other”believes Loïc Folleat. “The idea will also be to present your ideas, your program which could make the difference when you have a vision of the future for the Republic in motion and, on the other hand, a vision where you don’t know not quite where it could lead us”he said again.

“There is a real priority on ecology”

“It was seen in particular among young people who overwhelmingly voted for Mr. Mélenchon. I think there is a real priority on this. There was the citizens’ convention on the climate even if we did not go enough far. We have seen it in particular at the Marseille meeting where Emmanuel Macron said that his Prime Minister would be the Minister of Ecological Planning”ends Loïc Folleat.

“The candidate Emmanuel Macron is in a logic of openness to bring different currents and work together. It is true that we have frontal opposition on certain subjects with voters from France Insoumise on the ground but where the “we can make a difference it is precisely on this logic of openness, telling them that there is no taboo subject. We must not close ourselves off and confine ourselves to a camp like what can be done in other parties. I am thinking of the extreme right in particular”concludes Loïc Folleat.

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