To fight against domestic violence, Abbeville relies on bakeries

November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. In 2020, 105 women were killed by their spouse or ex-spouse in France. This year, the town hall of Abbeville has therefore set up a new awareness campaign.

A total of 10,000 baguette cases were printed and distributed to bread artisans. On these paper bags, a violentometer describes problematic or even toxic behavior within a couple and provides a list of contacts for victims of intra-family violence.

All the bakers are present

Of the 13 independent bakeries or near the city, all agreed to participate. “It is a very beautiful outpouring of solidarity, is satisfied David Fisset, baker in Abbeville. I am even surprised by it. For Abbeville, it’s great that everyone is mobilizing for this action. “

A satisfaction also for Michelle Delage, the deputy mayor in charge of health and gender equality: “We could have perhaps in the end counted on 20,000 cases but it’s true that we did not know where we were going. We were surprised to see that the artisan bakers were so present. I said that if we would have 40 or 50% that would already be very good, but here I am very happy since everyone accepted!

An ideal support

According to the chosen one, these are the perfect supports for this kind of message: “Already we are challenged because this kind of packaging is rare, and then because it displays a strong signal. And then unlike a flyers for example, you can keep it“.

An opinion shared by Harmony Muller, baker in Abbeville: “You can reach 700 people a day at a bakery. And then there is family life. Uncles, aunts, grandparents who come to eat. Everyone will be able to see these sachets which will be on the table for breakfast, lunch, evening meal …“The distribution of these 10,000 cases

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