to everyone’s surprise, a TPMP columnist invites herself on a Michel Cymes program!

Very popular animator of the PAF, Michel Cymes is not necessarily very appreciated by part of Cyril Hanouna’s team. Regularly, the former doctor is also the victim of certain attacks of chroniclers of TPMP. Especially from Benjamin Castaldi, who does not hesitate to shoot live bullets. After the premiere of Vitamin C, hosted by Michel Cymes and Bérénice Bourgueil, the father of Simon and Julien Castaldi did not mince his words.

There was a famous song ‘D’aventures en aventures’ by Serge Lama. It says, ‘From port to port… from women to women’, it is ‘from flop to flop, from flop to flop’ and despite everything, Michel Cymes “is still there. He calls it Thermometer, like at least we’ll know what to do with it“, he had balanced before adding:”The first issue of Vitamin C, co-hosted with Bérénice Bourgueil, was followed by less than 750,000 people for 6.8% audience share, this is half of what the reruns of Affaire Conclue were doing in this box.“.

Michel Cymes invites Delphine Wespiser to her Sunday game

Michel Cymes had of course wanted to answer him: “If I had him in front of me, I would just want to tell him that first you have to look in your rearview mirror to see what you have done to allow yourself to criticize others. And I don’t eat from anyone’s hand to live on. I think he should calm down and he should forget that I exist“. In short, atmosphere …

After such tensions, we thought the doctor was definitely angry with those close to TPMP. But against all odds, the host chose to invite one of the key columnists of the C8 program on Sunday, November 28 in a new issue of Vitamin C. Indeed, Delphine Wespiser also came to test her knowledge of basic questions. health-related. Beginning of peace? Let us not forget that the former Miss France is also one of the actresses of the group of France Televisions since she participates each year in Fort Boyard under the features of the character of Blanche.

See also: Cyril Hanouna reveals himself as never before about his religious beliefs

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