To be concentrated, it is better to move!

We know that playing sports is good for your health. But did you know that moving also improves concentration? Numerous studies show that physical activity and ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity) go well together. The Aces explain!

What do the studies show?

ADHD is a very common reality among young people. It makes it very difficult to concentrate and can be accompanied by impulsivity (when we act very quickly without thinking about the consequences) or hyperactivity (when we can’t sit still!).

Several scientists have demonstrated that practicing physical activity reduces the symptoms of ADHD. Among other things, they observed that students who live with this disorder perform better on their reading or mathematics tests after moving for at least 30 minutes.

Elite sports for concentration

Not all physical activities have the same effect on attention span. According to these studies, aerobic and motor activities are the most effective. Here are some examples:

– Race
– Swimming
– Bike
– Dance
– Jumping rope
– Ball games

Want to try it for yourself? Remember that you need to move for 30 to 45 minutes. Concentration improves 15 minutes after the end of physical activity and remains optimal for about an hour. So you have to wait a little!

And according to experts, you can even feel these beneficial effects for a long time… provided you move regularly! Let’s say at least three times a week.

How it works ?

In fact, these physical activities increase the volume of blood circulating in our body. When blood flow increases, the brain is better oxygenated and better supplied with nutrients. A nourished brain means a brain that concentrates better!

Émeric Épaud, based on an article by Pauline Gravel, Le Devoir

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