to avoid wasting apples, they criss-cross the countryside with… a mobile press



Article written by

V. Heurtel, P. Maire, V. Landolfini – France 2

France Televisions

In her column “An idea for France”, Valérie Heurtel introduces us to the concept of the press-truck. Explanations.

The journalist from France Télévisions, Valérie Heurtel, makes us discover, Thursday, September 8, on the set of the 13 Hours of France 2, the concept of the press truck. Head to Normandy where the apples all ripen at the same time. However, the question of what to do with it when you have too much comes up regularly. To remedy the problem, some have invented the concept of the press truck.

So they wander around the countryside and stop every day in a different village. They offer individuals to transform their apples into juice. An excellent idea since squeezing apple juice is not easy to do at home. In addition, once pressed, the apple juice is vacuum-packed and pasteurized. It can be kept for one or even two years. The price varies according to the packaging: it goes from 1 euro to 1.30 euro per litre.

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