To avoid the closure of its pool, the town hall of Saulges is urgently looking for a lifeguard

The Saulges basin will be able to continue to welcome the public until Sunday August 14 at least. The town hall had a lot of trouble finding a lifeguard for the month of July, a young woman from a nearby village had finally agreed to carry out the mission essential to the opening of the basin for five weeks. But she could not continue all August, her contract ends this Saturday evening.

The community of communes of Coëvrons will therefore put one of its lifeguards available of the town of Saulges for a week. A relief for Mayor Jacqueline Lepage in view of the frequentation of the basin this summer.

This pool is extremely appreciated, whether for the families, the groups that we receive on the campsite, obviously for these children who come to take advantage of the pool and can only take advantage of the pool if we have a lifeguard. bathing.

The chosen one still hopes to find a BNSSA-certified supervisor (National Water Safety and Rescue Certificate) for the rest of August. If you want to apply, you can call the town hall to 02 43 90 52 35. If the municipality does not find a lifeguard, she will have to empty her basin.

In the meantime, the opening hours of the pool will change a little. It will be possible to swim every day until Sunday August 14 from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., except Friday, closing day.

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