TLMEP will host the five chefs on Sunday

The five main party leaders will meet once again on Sunday 25 September for the first broadcast of the 19e season of Everybody talks about itannounced ICI TÉLÉ on Wednesday morning.

Posted at 10:13 a.m.

Catherine Handfield

Catherine Handfield
The Press

François Legault (CAQ), Dominique Anglade (PLQ), Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois (QS), Paul St-Pierre Plamondon (PQ) and Éric Duhaime (PCQ) will all answer questions from Guy A. Lepage during this live broadcast from 20h.

By inviting all the chefs on the same evening, Everybody talks about it uses the same formula as in the 2018 elections. In the past, Guy A. Lepage received one leader at a time.

The five leaders of the main parties made a first televised debate last Thursday during the Face-to-Face of TVA. They have an appointment this Thursday at 8 p.m. during the debate of the leaders of Radio-Canada.

The names of the other guests of Everybody talks about it will be unveiled later this week.

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