“Titanic”: Leonardo DiCaprio could have never had the role of Jack

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet almost didn’t get the title roles in the movie “Titanic,” director James Cameron revealed in a recent interview with men’s magazine GQ.

The director of the hit film confessed that he found it too easy to cast Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, who audiences had seen in other period films, including ‘Sense and Sense’ and ‘Jude “.

He would rather have thought of entrusting the role of the young British aristocrat to Gwyneth Paltrow, Clair Danes or even Gabrielle Anwar.

While for Jack Dawson, the director admitted that he had been charmed by the personality of the young Leonardo DiCaprio when they first met. But invited to return for a chemistry test with Kate Winslet, the actor would have categorically refused to read, unexpectedly, a few lines in front of the cameras, not having been informed that it was an audition. The situation would have suddenly sealed the atmosphere in the room and tarnished the image that the director had made of the actor.

James Cameron then explained, in the interview with GQ, having thanked him for coming. DiCaprio would have understood that he would not have the role if he did not read the few sentences. He would then have complied with the director’s request reluctantly.

And as soon as the engines started, “the comedian turned into Jack, and Kate lit up, and they did the whole scene. The dark clouds parted, a ray of sunshine descended on Jack. And I said to myself: “Very well, it is him that we need”, remembered the filmmaker.

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