Titanic: Actor David Warner dies at 80

David Warner, famous British actor, particularly renowned for his longevity (more than 50 years of career in the cinema), has just died at the age of 80, as we learn this Monday, July 25, 2022. He had embodied many characters on the big and small screen, including that of Spicer Lovejoy, the valet of Caledon Hockley (Rose’s fiancé played by Billy Zane) in the film with 1.8 million admissions in France: titanic. He died on Sunday following a long illness.

He shot for great film directors, whether for Sidney Lumet in 1968 in The Seagull, for Volker Schlöndorff in Michael Kohlhaas, the rebel in 1969, for Sam Peckinpah in straw dogs in 1971, for Joseph Losey in doll house in 1973 or for Arthur Hiller in bites in 1979. Without forgetting his appearances in tron in 1982, with Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, in Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier, or in The Planet of the Apes by Tim Burton in 2001.

Great theater lover

On the series side, he played the Nazi Reinhard Heydrich in Holocaust as well as the Roman senator Pomponius Falco in Masada, where his performance was rewarded with an Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He has also multiplied supporting roles in popular series such as The Remington Steele Mysteries, For the love of risk, Twin Peaks, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Arabesque or Doctor Who. One of his last roles is that of Admiral Bloom in Mary Poppins Returns in 2018.

But he has also already landed leading roles in the cinema. Especially for the adventure film Tom Jones: from alcove to gallows 1963 as well as for Morgan three years later. He loved the theater, a passion that dates back to his adolescence and his registration at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. A time during which he will have chained stage performances, mainly in the classical register. A very rich career therefore, for this very great actor, who has therefore just plunged British cinema into full mourning.

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