“Tissé” by Marion Rampal, a sensitive and poetic reverie

Blues, soul, jazz, Cajun music… Over time and encounters, Marion Rampal has granted her chameleon sensitivity to the infinite variety of nuances of Afro-American music and living traditions from across the Atlantic. Without denying anything of this brilliant past, it imposes itself with “Tissé” as a pure cure.

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In the duty of sobriety that they have claimed, Marion Rampal and Matthis Pascaud manage to convey the breaths of torment, doubt, vertigo, grief, even drama, to the heart ofa musical material that sublimates them ceaselessly and transforms them into echoes, iridescences, reflections, powders of gold, fumaroles.

To achieve such alchemy, Marion Rampal has surrounded herself with artists who, without ever being overbearing, deploy here an infinite range of pigments and pulsations. They are called Matthis Pascaud, Pierre-François Blanchard, Sébastien Llado and Raphaël Chassin. And it is not surprising to see three other presences in this painting, also virtuosos of nuance, namely Piers Faccini, Archie Shepp and Anne Paceo.

Calm, bare and quivering voice, subtly creolized musical and poetic writing“Tissé” brings out the soft and fierce, tender and unruly song of an artist and a woman who, more than ever, tells us: “No, you won’t put me in a box like that.”

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