Tired of “fleeing war”: Ukrainians in Israel still facing violence

Ukrainian families who fled their country to seek refuge in Israel following the Russian invasion no longer know where to turn as they find themselves confronted with violence once again, this time in their host country .

“It’s like a second round. We already experienced this last year, lamented Ukrainian Ahuva Rosilio, mother of four children, according to what the Belgian media 7sur7 reported on Wednesday. Is this the beginning or the worst? Should I leave while I can? Where to go this time? This is my home, I won’t leave!”

Although frightened by the terrorist attacks of the Hamas group, the mother, who fled the Ukrainian city of Odessa last year during the siege by the Russian armed forces, does not intend to move this time.

“I left a war – leaving all my possessions, my whole life – to start from scratch where I thought it would be best for my children, the safest place, in Jerusalem, my home,” he said. -she continued to the “New York Post”.

Same story with Viktoria Druzhenko, a Ukrainian refugee from the Boutcha region, who chose to stay in Israel despite the reminder of a bitter memory.

“We are tired of fleeing war. I prefer to be useful here rather than flee,” she would have stressed, according to the Belgian media.

Ukrainian Malki Bukiet and her nine children managed to find a feeling of “peace and security” in their home in the city of Ashkelon when rocket fire rained down on their home, shattering the windows. and the roof.

“But we’re still alive […] [Les enfants] were already traumatized by having to leave everything behind […] and it took them time to process the trauma, lamented the mother, met Tuesday in a shelter by the American media. Some are even more afraid – they jump at every noise. They’ve been through so much.”

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