tired by the health protocol at school, parents write fake self-test certificates

For the past fortnight, contact case students have sometimes had to be tested up to three times at home before being able to return to class. A constraint that some families have decided to circumvent.

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Like many other children in this school in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) in recent days, Mathilde’s daughter found herself in contact with the second week of January. She was therefore supposed to submit to several self-tests at home, but the mother admits: “I didn’t. It was in the middle of the weekend, I didn’t.”

“Put a cotton ball in my daughter’s nose…I’m neither a nurse nor a pharmacist.”

Mathilde, mother of a student

at franceinfo

According to the latest health protocol in force since January 3, schoolchildren with contact cases must do a self-test the same day they were in the presence of a person who tested positive, then another on the second day if they are positive and a third four days later if the second test was also positive. Parents must provide a sworn statement stating that their child is negative and can therefore return to class.

Mathilde claims to have written a false certificate to allow her child to return to class. An understandable decision for David, also a parent and tempted to defraud if he cannot find self-tests in pharmacies: “The problem is that it’s a minimum of 30, 35 minutes of waiting… We don’t necessarily wait. So the sworn statement, if we don’t have the test, it’s going to be complicated. “

>>> The new health protocol told by a school director: “It’s the exchange with the parents that keeps me going”

On the teachers’ side, we have been wondering in recent days about the sincerity of these famous certificates, explains Catherine, mistress of CE2: “You can have doubts about some children. The dates are not always the right ones and the children arrive and are not always very well and the next day they are no longer there because they are positive. When they are sick, there , they do the test.”

The teacher says she regrets the time when a first antigenic test in pharmacies was compulsory, the only valid proof in her eyes that schoolchildren are really negative.

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