tips for gently relaxing

Relaxing music

While you’re working or just during your breaks, put on a playlist of relaxing music. Various playlists/videos are available on listening platforms and on Youtube.


Isolate yourself, clear your head and your mind. Inhale then exhale slowly and deeply. Empty your lungs of air then exhale by deflating your belly. Repeat this several times, focusing on your breathing. This will have an immediate relaxing effect because breathing has a power over your whole body and your emotions. You can add soothing music to these moments of relaxation.

Relaxing ritual

A walk in the open air in a forest or a park will do you a lot of good. It will distract you from your routine. Establish this habit on a weekly or daily basis. You can perform yoga sessions in group lessons or alone at home with videos on the Net.

Did you know ? Seeing plants calms you down and improves your mood.

Take a hot bath

Take some time just for you. There are medicinal plants with calming properties such as chamomile, add some to your bath to enjoy the benefits. Clear your head of all negative thoughts, press pause.

THE CBD is known for its relaxing and decontracting effects. There are low calorie drinks to face his day in a more serene way. On the CBD side, there is also a spray to relax. NOTNot suitable for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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