Tioma presents his first EP “Douce Escale”

A sweet voice, a melancholy melody, all laid on an acoustic guitar sprinkled with synthetic arrangements: “douce escale” is a very promising first EP unveiled by Tioma on the stage of the moorland conservatory and for the new Aquitaine scene of France Bleu.
For two years, Tioma has been publishing covers on his YouTube channel and ventured into both pop and rap, this exhibition earned him a message from two Toulouse rappers, Bigflo and Oli. They then make contact, Tioma sends them demos and, in the summer of 2020, they offer him to sign it on their Good Star label.

Tioma © Radio France
Carl DaSilva

Everything is happening quickly with the release of an 8-track EP (released March 11) and an opening act by Vianney at Geneva (03/10/22), Aix en Provence (3/11/22) and Montpellier (3/12/22).

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Tioma will open for Emma Peters
March 23, 2022 – Rennes, 1988 Club
March 31, 2022 – Toulouse, Live Connection
April 7, 2022 – Bordeaux, Rock School Barbey

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