Tinsley, the German Shepherd who became a small internet star after saving his master from certain death

It happened in the United States in New Hampshire, “an incredible rescueAccording to the police. The heroine’s name is Tinsley, a one-year-old German Shepherd, and on Monday evening, January 3, motorists called the police because she was wandering dangerously on the freeway. A patrol therefore left on the four lanes and came across this female dog, scared and worried. The officers tried to grab her but the female dog started to back up, and wait for them, as if to show them something. So they followed him, until they found a point where the parapet separating the road from the ravine was totally torn off.

By raising their flashlight above the void, the police discover a pick-up overturned on the roof, the cabin crushed. The female dog gallops towards the wreckage and freezes, barking: her master and one of her friends are lying next door, both unconscious and hypothermic. With the snow, the road was partially icy and the driver lost control. At ten in the evening, helpless and in the dark Tinsley was his only hope. “It was like an episode of Lassie, but in real life tells a chain policeman NBC. Without her they would never have survived the cold, she saved their lives.“Help has arrived, the castaways have been taken to hospital and Cam Laundry, Tinsley’s master, talks about a miracle, made possible by his dog”guardian angel“.

The story that moved social networks, where his photo is shared and bombarded with likes by hundreds of thousands. Yet Tinsley is no exception. Two days ago in Croatia, another dog used a different technique to save a climber from a mountain accident, he lay down on top of him to keep him warm until rescue find them, 13 hours after the fall.

Canine heroism is not uncommon, but we are regularly amazed by the ingenuity and dedication of the animals, no doubt because we always believe ourselves to be smarter, that we do not imagine that others than us , humans, can solve problems. In the end, Tinsley’s story puts us a bit in front of ourselves, in front of our received ideas, and is much more than likes on the internet.

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