Tinder declares war on fake accounts

The dating application Tinder has decided to tackle fake accounts on its platform by implementing a video identity verification to confirm that the Prince Charming on the screen is not, in fact, hiding a frog.

“Tinder members regularly tell us that the photo verification tool is one of their most popular security features. With video verification, we provide them with an additional way to assess the authenticity of their match,” Rory Kozoll, vice president of security at Tinder, said in a statement Wednesday.

The new video profile verification feature will ensure that the person on screen is who they say they are.

At the same time, the platform will offer the option to its verified members to only chat with other verified profiles, or to ask a match to verify their profile in turn before starting a discussion.

If Tinder already offered the possibility to verify your identity by taking a self-portrait (selfie) static, which is then compared to profile photos, video verification should take it to the “next level”, with a series of quick videos.

Already 40% of members have had their profile verified by photo, according to data from the dating network, and will soon be invited to pass the video verification.

“For our members aged 18-25, being photo verified gives them an additional 10% chance of getting matches,” the VP continued.

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