TikTok banned from the phones of CEGEP, university, STM and Investissement Québec employees

The ten institutions of the network of Universities of Quebec and CEGEPs in turn prohibit the use of TikTok in the cell phones of their employees, with a few exceptions.

All public university executives will have to comply with the government directive issued earlier this week. “We are good students and we will rely on the directives of the Quebec government,” confirms the network’s communications manager, Julie Martineau.

Same scenario for employees of the fifty cegeps in Quebec who have a mobile phone from their employer.

Other public organizations, such as the Société de Transport de Montréal (STM), Hydro-Québec and Investissement Québec, are also following suit.

“Although Investissement Québec is not subject to the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises, certain changes will be made very soon to better regulate or restrict the use of social networks, in particular block access to the TikTok platform”, confirms the organization which employs nearly 1,000 people.

“The decision was effectively made to block access to the platform on all mobile devices provided by the STM to its employees. Everything will be done over the next few days, ”specifies the communications from the metropolitan transport organization.

And to publish on the application?

The use of the popular application will remain permitted in certain cases, nuance the ministerial directive. “It should be noted that, despite these directives, public bodies are still allowed to use TikTok to reach their customers, if this use is not done through mobile devices,” it says. in the official document consulted by The duty.

As to how these organizations will continue to reach their young audiences via TikTok, opinions are divided. Some are thinking of using dedicated phones, while others are evaluating the possibility of posting from computers. Discussions are continuing in the communication departments.

“These potential risk mitigation measures are the subject of analyzes for the moment”, note for example the communications of the STM.

With Francois Carabin

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