Tiger mosquitoes: beware danger!


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A.Malesson, E.Assalit, T.Gardet, F.Mazou, F.Fort – France 2

France Televisions

Summer is approaching and the threat of the tiger mosquito looms. While last year many outbreaks were detected, this year it is time to adopt good behavior to avoid any risk.

It has a striped body and a lively and aggressive demeanor. The tiger mosquito is a threat for the coming summer. It likes damp areas like gardens. It is just in Périgueux (Dordogne) that the inhabitants particularly complain about it. VSIt’s been hellish, especially in the gardens. We were stung everywhere”, says a resident. She has just installed a protection on her water cans to prevent the proliferation of the larvae of these mosquitoes. “All the gardeners took the curtains and fabrics they had from their attic. It acts as protection”, she adds. Tricks that not everyone brought.

Learn the right moves

A brigade has been set up in the city to fight against the proliferation of mosquitoes. She visits the gardens, houses and apartments of the citizens to learn the right gestures. “What is advised to citizens is to go around their garden, empty all the water cups and in particular to clean all the containers”, specifies the referent “tiger mosquito” of the town hall. This mosquito is also a carrier of disease. Last year, around twenty epidemic outbreaks were detected.

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