Tifany Huot-Marchand wants to “do battle” in the short track event over 1,500 meters

Last medal hope for Tifany Huot-Marchand this Wednesday, February 16 at the Tokyo Olympics. The Nord Franc-Comtoise attacks the 1,500 meters in short track at 12:30 p.m. French time.

After having started the Games badly with failures in the 500 and 1,000 meter events, Tifany Huot-Marchand explains that she has “could train properly and [se] remobilize” for the 1,500 meter race.

I’m ready, I can’t wait to be there and fight it out.

Contacted by France Bleu a few hours before entering the game, the speed skater has set herself the goal of being “relaxed, focused and explosive” for this test “which is played in the head” and for which it is “ready”.

Tifany Huot-Marchand’s prize list

  • Olympic Games 2018: 22nd (500m), 23rd (1,500m)
  • Champion of France 2019, 2020, 2021 (500, 1,000 and 1,500m)
  • Vice European Champion 2019 (1,000m)
  • Medal of bronze in 2020 world cup (1.500 m / Dresden, Germany)
  • European Team Champion (women’s relay) 2021
  • Vice World Champion by team (women’s relay) 2021
  • Medal of team bronze (women’s relay) at the 2018 European Championships

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